Date:             9 - 10 May 2013
Place:           Hotel Yasmin, Kosice, Slovak republic;
Language:   English, Slovak, Czech, Hungarian and Polish;
                       with simultaneous translations into all these languages  


The main aim of this event is to support further development of public health systems in the V4 (Visegrad four) countries and to increase the healthy life years of people living in these countries.

Impressions from the conference:

Photo Part 01 - 09.05.2013 Pre-conferences & Opening

Photo Part 02 - 09.05.2013 First Day

Photo Part 03 - 10.05.2013 Second Day 

Conference material

Book of Papers - V4_PHC_2013 CD Reviewed book of scientific papers in extenso.pdf  NEW !!

Book of Abstracts - V4_PHC_2013_Book_of_Abstracts.pdf

Conference Booklet -  V4_PHC_2013_Conference_Booklet.pdf

Newsletter with Practical Information - V4_PHC_2013_newsletter.pdf

Second Announcement - V4_PH_conference_2013_2nd_announcement.pdf

First Announcement - V4_PH_conference_2013_1st_announcement.pdf



Increased life expectancy and an ageing population represent significant changes in Europe that reflect health care improvements. However, these changes also put pressure on the sustainability of health and social systems and are accompanied by an increased number of years lost due to chronic conditions.

Adding years to life and life to years can be achieved by fostering healthier ways of life, reducing health inequalities, promoting a healthy lifestyle and a culture of prevention among children, promoting active ageing and implementing the chronic care model.

The effectiveness of these actions requires a multidimensional approach and inter-sectoral collaboration; it is therefore a key public health priority in the 21st century.

Citizens in the new EU Member States, including V4 countries, have shorter life expectancy and worse health status than people in other EU countries. The similar historical, political and economic contexts of the V4 countries provide them the opportunity to act together more efficiently compared with other EU countries.

The main aim of this event is to support further development of public health systems in the Visegrad four countries: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia.

Conference venue - Hotel Yasmin

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Conference organizers










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